

Create or update a user’s folder.

Usable by Users Bots
  • folder_id (int) – Unique folder identifier.

  • title (str) – Folder title.

  • included_chats (int | str | List of int or str, optional) – Users or chats that should added in the folder You can pass an ID (int), username (str) or phone number (str). Multiple users can be added by passing a list of IDs, usernames or phone numbers.

  • excluded_chats (int | str | List of int or str, optional) – Users or chats that should excluded from the folder You can pass an ID (int), username (str) or phone number (str). Multiple users can be added by passing a list of IDs, usernames or phone numbers.

  • pinned_chats (int | str | List of int or str, optional) – Users or chats that should pinned in the folder You can pass an ID (int), username (str) or phone number (str). Multiple users can be added by passing a list of IDs, usernames or phone numbers.

  • contacts (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should contain contacts.

  • non_contacts (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should contain non contacts.

  • groups (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should contain groups.

  • channels (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should contain channels.

  • bots (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should contain bots.

  • exclude_muted (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should exclude muted users.

  • exclude_archived (bool, optional) – Pass True if folder should exclude archived users.

  • emoji (str, optional) – Folder emoji. Pass None to leave the folder icon as default.

  • color (FolderColor, optional) – Color type. Pass FolderColor to set folder color.


bool – True, on success.


# Create or update folder
app.update_folder(folder_id, title="New folder", included_chats="me")