

Delete the history of a chat.

Usable by Users Bots
  • chat_id (int | str) – Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat.

  • max_id (int, optional) – Maximum ID of message to delete.

  • revoke (bool, optional) – Deletes messages history for everyone. Required True if using in channel.

  • just_clear (bool, optional) – If True, clear history for the current user, without actually removing chat. For private and simple group chats only.

  • min_date (datetime, optional) – Delete all messages newer than this time. For private and simple group chats only.

  • max_date (datetime, optional) – Delete all messages older than this time. For private and simple group chats only.


int – Amount of affected messages


# Delete all messages in channel
await app.delete_chat_history(chat_id, revoke=True)