
class pyrogram.raw.types.stories.StoryReactionsList

List of peers that reacted to or intercated with a specific story

Constructor of StoryReactionsList.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: AA5F789C

  • count (int 32-bit) – Total number of reactions matching query

  • reactions (List of StoryReaction) – List of peers that reacted to or interacted with a specific story

  • chats (List of Chat) – Mentioned chats

  • users (List of User) – Mentioned users

  • next_offset (str, optional) – If set, indicates the next offset to use to load more results by invoking stories.getStoryReactionsList.


This object can be returned by 1 function.


Get the reaction and interaction list of a story posted to a channel, along with the sender of each reaction.