
class pyrogram.raw.types.SponsoredMessage

A sponsored message.

Constructor of SponsoredMessage.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 4D93A990

  • random_id (bytes) – Message ID

  • url (str)

  • title (str)

  • message (str) – Sponsored message

  • button_text (str) – Text of the sponsored message button.

  • recommended (bool, optional) – Whether the message needs to be labeled as “recommended” instead of “sponsored”

  • can_report (bool, optional)

  • entities (List of MessageEntity, optional) – Message entities for styled text

  • photo (Photo, optional)

  • media (MessageMedia, optional) – N/A

  • color (PeerColor, optional)

  • sponsor_info (str, optional) – If set, contains additional information about the sponsor to be shown along with the message.

  • additional_info (str, optional) – If set, contains additional information about the sponsored message to be shown along with the message.