
class pyrogram.raw.types.DialogFilterChatlist

A folder imported using a chat folder deep link ».

Constructor of DialogFilter.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 9FE28EA4

  • id (int 32-bit) – ID of the folder

  • title (str) – Name of the folder (max 12 UTF-8 chars)

  • pinned_peers (List of InputPeer) – Pinned chats, folders can have unlimited pinned chats

  • include_peers (List of InputPeer) – Chats to include in the folder

  • has_my_invites (bool, optional) – Whether the current user has created some chat folder deep links » to share the folder as well.

  • emoticon (str, optional) – Emoji to use as icon for the folder.

  • color (int 32-bit, optional)