
class pyrogram.raw.functions.messages.RequestSimpleWebView

Open a bot mini app.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 413A3E73

  • bot (InputUser) – Bot that owns the mini app

  • platform (str) – Short name of the application; 0-64 English letters, digits, and underscores

  • from_switch_webview (bool, optional) – Whether the webapp was opened by clicking on the switch_webview button shown on top of the inline results list returned by messages.getInlineBotResults.

  • from_side_menu (bool, optional) – Set this flag if opening the Mini App from the installed side menu entry » or from a Mini App link ».

  • compact (bool, optional) – N/A

  • url (str, optional) – Web app URL, if opening from a keyboard button or inline result

  • start_param (str, optional) – Start parameter, if opening from a Mini App link ».

  • theme_params (DataJSON, optional) – Theme parameters »

