
class pyrogram.raw.functions.messages.GetReplies

Get messages in a reply thread

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 22DDD30C

  • peer (InputPeer) – Peer

  • msg_id (int 32-bit) – Message ID

  • offset_id (int 32-bit) – Offsets for pagination, for more info click here

  • offset_date (int 32-bit) – Offsets for pagination, for more info click here

  • add_offset (int 32-bit) – Offsets for pagination, for more info click here

  • limit (int 32-bit) – Maximum number of results to return, see pagination

  • max_id (int 32-bit) – If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with ID smaller than max_id

  • min_id (int 32-bit) – If a positive value was transferred, the method will return only messages with ID bigger than min_id

  • hash (int 64-bit) – Hash for pagination, for more info click here

