
class pyrogram.types.Story

A story.

  • id (int) – Unique story identifier.

  • from_user (User, optional) – Sender of the story.

  • sender_chat (Chat, optional) – Sender of the story. If the story is from channel.

  • date (datetime, optional) – Date the story was sent.

  • expire_date (datetime, optional) – Date the story will be expired.

  • media (MessageMediaType, optional) – The media type of the Story. This field will contain the enumeration type of the media message. You can use media = getattr(message, to access the media message.

  • has_protected_content (bool, optional) – True, if the story can’t be forwarded.

  • animation (Animation, optional) – Story is an animation, information about the animation.

  • photo (Photo, optional) – Story is a photo, information about the photo.

  • video (Video, optional) – Story is a video, information about the video.

  • edited (bool, optional) – True, if the Story has been edited.

  • pinned (bool, optional) – True, if the Story is pinned.

  • public (bool, optional) – True, if the Story is shared with public.

  • close_friends (bool, optional) – True, if the Story is shared with close_friends only.

  • contacts (bool, optional) – True, if the Story is shared with contacts only.

  • selected_contacts (bool, optional) – True, if the Story is shared with selected contacts only.

  • caption (str, optional) – Caption for the Story, 0-1024 characters.

  • caption_entities (List of MessageEntity, optional) – For text messages, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the caption.

  • views (StoryViews, optional) – Stories views.

  • forward_from (StoryForwardHeader, optional) – Story is a forwarded story. Information about the original story.

  • privacy (StoryPrivacy, optional) – Story privacy.

  • allowed_users (List of int, optional) – List of user_id whos allowed to view the story.

  • denied_users (List of int, optional) – List of user_id whos denied to view the story.

  • media_areas (List of MediaArea, optional) – List of MediaArea object in story.

  • link (str, property) – Generate a link to this story, only for Telegram Premium chats having usernames. Can be None if the story cannot have a link.

  • raw (pyrogram.raw.types.StoryItem, optional) – The raw story object, as received from the Telegram API.