
class pyrogram.types.StarsTransaction

Contains information about stars transaction.

  • id (int) – Unique transaction identifier.

  • stars (int) – Amount of stars in the transaction.

  • date (datetime) – Date of the transaction.

  • chat (Chat) – Chat where the transaction was made.

  • is_refund (bool, optional) – True, If the transaction is a refund.

  • is_pending (bool, optional) – True, If the transaction is pending.

  • is_failed (bool, optional) – True, If the transaction failed.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the transaction.

  • description (str, optional) – Description of the transaction.

  • transaction_date (datetime, optional) – Date of the transaction.

  • transaction_url (str, optional) – URL of the transaction.

  • payload (str, optional) – Payload of the transaction.

  • message_id (int, optional) – Identifier of the message where the transaction was made.